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Welcome to bikeforcancer.ca

Scott's Biography

  Wow, that's far!Wow, that's far!Wow, that's far!Wow, that's far!

April, 2001




I'm Scott and I have just completed the courses for my Bachelor of Science, Honours in Bio-Medical Science at the University of Guelph.  I am 23, but will be celebrating my 24th birthday in the foothills of the Rockies.  I'm very excited about this trip and about the opportunity to help a good cause.


My friend Hilary and I


My competition team: Chad, myself and Lindsay


Adam, Nadia and I know each other through the University of Guelph First Response Team, a student run volunteer service at the University which provides front line emergency medical care in conjunction with the University Police and local ambulance service.  I was the coordinator of the team for a few years and am incredibly proud of the work the team does and the amazing people the team manages to attract.  Through the team, I have also attended the National Conference of Campus Emergency Responders, and competed in the national competition, placing first in 1999.  

Chad and I in the national competition


I also have a love for the great outdoors, which is going to be important as we camp our way across the country.  I am eager to see the whole country, and I know riding a bike will give me a true appreciation for how large Canada truly is.


I want to thank you all for your support, financial, donation, lodging, and emotional.  This is a big trip, and we wouldn't be able to do it without you.


See you on the road,


Scott Kubacki


My Links:

University of Guelph  First Response Team 

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